As a consequence, have a person’s kids taken away? Or should there be any consequences?


I’m straightforward and don’t want to give any ‘fluff’ So I don’t know how else to ask this question without it sounding rage baity.

This isn’t a gotcha or trap to argue with anyone I feel and believe I can learn something of value from people I disagree with. It is interesting to know why you disagree and what reasons make you feel x y and z about things.

I’m here to listen, not judge or throw around name calling or fight with you. You feel the way you do for whatever reason, and I want to know a little more about why you do and that is it.

I would like for everyone to feel confident voicing how they feel about this question. I don’t care if I disagree with you. Fighting with you is not how I’d like to spend my evening. I’m sure you don’t either.

I might ask follow ups like, “Why is it that you feel that way?” Or “can you tell me a little bit more” so I can understand your point of view better. And that’s it.

If that feels too much or you don’t want to. Totally fine. Just ignore my comment to you.

Thanks for your time.

    8 months ago

    t can’t be the case that every time someone asks a question that you don’t like, they must be doing so in bad faith. That’s a fallacy.

    Lmmfao, says the person literally dismissing a reality they don’t like by calling it a fallacy… 😂

    If the blatant dog whistles and phrasing of not only the question but several of their answers isn’t enough, the fact that OP insists they’re interested in hearing opinions opposed to their own, and then engages at length with those giving non transphobic answers (while upvoting the transphobes) should be.

    You not seeing through their thin veil (never mind a well known tactic right out of the bigots playbook) means just that - that you can’t/won’t see, not that it isn’t there.

    You choosing to defend them at this point and despite their now clear intentions means you’re either too naive and/or wilfully ignorant to be calling out anyone for using “fallacies”, or you agree with them and are also, like OP, trying to hide behind a thin veil of “civility”… Either way, you’re both full of shit… ¯\(ツ)