This. Republicans and Democrats have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So now, Democrats are where Republicans were in the 1980s: boring corporatists who are best friends of banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. We haven’t had a real progressive president since Jimmy Carter and that was 50 years ago.
Meanwhile, the right has moved all the way into an insane asylum. Their best friends are Russian oligarchs, fascists, religious nutjobs and civil war re-enactors, who communicate on Twitter and “Truth Social” and call themselves “Republicans.”
Nowadays the right-left-continuum is already broken inside a single political region, I am pretty sure getting the USSR into the boat doesn’t make it easier.
And by the way, who was the “second opposition party” in the One-Party-System of the Soviet Union?
USA: we don’t have a left. Democrats are at best center.
USA has a left. They almost never win at the ballot box, though. You have to find them in the streets.
You don’t have a right either though, at least not a right on the democratic spectrum.
All you’ve got are “unacceptable” and “fascism”.
This. Republicans and Democrats have been moving steadily to the right for the last 40 years. So now, Democrats are where Republicans were in the 1980s: boring corporatists who are best friends of banks, insurance and pharmaceutical companies. We haven’t had a real progressive president since Jimmy Carter and that was 50 years ago.
Meanwhile, the right has moved all the way into an insane asylum. Their best friends are Russian oligarchs, fascists, religious nutjobs and civil war re-enactors, who communicate on Twitter and “Truth Social” and call themselves “Republicans.”
They are more right than russian right-wing politicians. Even in USSR second opposition party was right-wing Liberal-Democratic Party of Soviet Union.
Nowadays the right-left-continuum is already broken inside a single political region, I am pretty sure getting the USSR into the boat doesn’t make it easier.
And by the way, who was the “second opposition party” in the One-Party-System of the Soviet Union?
I already mentioned LDPSU. Fist one was Democratic Union, right wing, but no longer exists. One-party-system was abolished in 1990
Does Russia have a living opposition party?
Putin: “Who are you going to vote for, me or the corpse?”
Also Putin: “The answer is me. Or else.”
It’s the SP party. It stands for sock puppet and are just for show to give everything a veneer of democracy