• phillaholic@lemm.ee
    7 months ago

    Israel is occupying and oppressing what WOULD have otherwise been a sovereign nation.

    But it’s not, and if your claim is Gaza just wants to mind it’s own business, I’ll remind you this war started with Hamas invading Israel and killing over a thousand people. If you’d treat them as a sovereign nation, they committed and act of war.

    it’s clear to anyone with even an ounce of objectivity that it’s actually attacking the Palestinian people as a whole.

    Hamas is the governing body of Gaza, and is integrated throughout. It’s impossible to attack Hamas and not everyone. It’s war, not one of the US’s Quasi-Conflict drone strike situations. These attacks back and forth have been going on for more than 30 years. Hamas’ attack last fall was by far the biggest escalation.

    By their OWN assessment they’re killing TWICE as many innocent civilians as Hamas and since they refuse to show any proof, the ratio is likely much worse.

    I agree with you about the refusing to show any proof point. I think there should be a UN presence and that’s something I hope the US is pushing behind the scenes. However it’s difficult to hold Israel to a high standard when Hamas consistently targets civilians. It’s like bringing a knife to a gun fight when both sides aren’t following the rules. I wonder how many conflicts actually follow the Geneva convention?

    They are an illegitimate government and civilians who never voted for them shouldn’t suffer for their atrocities.

    This is partially what makes it so complex. The only real way to fix that is to destroy Hamas. Do you have a better idea on how to do that? I don’t.

    That doesn’t mean that AT LEAST two civilians needs to die for every Hamas terrorist killed

    I’m not defending Irsael’s specific actions. I have no idea if they could be more careful. I know that their overreach is why Stuxnet became public, so I could see them overdoing it. However, just like the US has gotten criticized for Drone strikes killing civilians, it’s incredibly difficult to sort out terrorists who blend into the civilian population and don’t follow any of the internal rules of war.

    Because of the aforementioned illegal occupation

    It’s way more complicated then an “illegal occupation.” The entire region has been a problem dating back thousands of years, and decisions made by the west at the end of World War II are a key part of it. Israel existing at all is a problem for some groups, and we can see how that went last time.

    So civilians should die for the desires of their governments?

    That’s War. It’s Terrible. Military service is compulsory in Israel too. And remember Hamas started this particular conflict by killing Israeli citizens.

    It’s at least as important to remember that the only alternative to “nothing” isn’t “a laundry list of horrific crimes against humanity”. Stow the false dichotomies, please.

    I’ve already touched this point talking about their tactics. Those can absolutely be debated. You can criticize them for not allowing third party reporting, the UN, etc. Those are all valid points. I’m talking about in the broad sense that this is a retaliation, not an attack; And Doing nothing is a kin to welcoming more and larger attacks, because Hamas has nothing to lose.

    Which the fascists are using as an excuse to indiscriminately murder civilians including by denying them basic life necessities such as food, water, electricity, fuel, medical treatment and medicine.

    File this under tactics too. Completely reasonable to question these specifics.

    I hope AIPAC or another Israeli government agency is paying you well for your efforts, otherwise it’s just sad for you to be spending so much time and effort regurgitating all the long debunked genocide apologia of an apartheid regime…

    I never said I approved of the tactics they are using. I only suggested that the overall idea that there should be Peace or Israel should stop completely is not possible. It’s way more complex than people here understand. I’m not denying it’s an apartheid regime, I just don’t see any good outcome, just bad ones. Most of the time it takes all out war to resolve, and I’d file that firmly under bad.