• Bob@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Yeah I didn’t say any of that. I said an account that’s one hour old and has only responded to my comments essentially using a common right wing tactic from 2016 is pretty suspicious. The fact that you have another account is completely irrelevant. It’s registering a new account to say this specific thing that’s suspicious.

    Anyway, you’re trying to twist my position/words and I don’t appreciate that. I very specifically said “our rights” as in, the rights of trans and gay people. I never said they weren’t harming other populations, in fact, they are harming other groups that I also happen to belong to (I’m Latino, for one thing) or am closely related to (Jewish family, black and brown relatives and friends, disabled husband). Don’t talk to me about police brutality. You don’t know what I’ve been through.

    And besides all that, if your third party candidate won, we’d still have congress which would most definitely lean either D or R, and the Supreme Court with its lifetime appointments. There’s a less than zero chance that a third party could win the presidency and the House and Senate. So we’d end up with a president that can’t do shit to help anybody anyway.

    You say I’m only worried about my own rights to the detriment of others. Okay. What exactly do you think you’re doing? You’re also choosing a particular set of rights to the detriment of others. When you vote third party, you make it more likely that a Republican will win, and a lot of people will get hurt if that happens.

    If you’re comfortable with that, that’s your prerogative. But don’t expect me to tolerate your performative kindness, friendo. If you really gave a shit about helping people, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

    Edit: you just declared that this conversation was over because I didn’t reply within a couple of hours, lmao. People have lives, buddy. I have other things to do.

    Also, again and for the last time: I never said I liked Biden or any democrats, or that they were good people. Jesus Christ. Stop wasting my time.

    Edit 2: i spel gud & gramar are my pasion

    • 7101334@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      No, it’s not suspicious to make a new account and then use it. Especially when there are many new accounts being made on the website. Attack the merits of the conversation, don’t default to this lame routine of “you are doing something which I have decided resembles the actions of a widely disliked group despite you having very clearly different values from that group”.

      Your exact quote was “I vote for democrats because they’re not actively working to take my rights away”. You have rights besides the right to express your gender identity as you please. Those other rights, as I have very clearly expressed, have been and still are being taken away by Democrats. I don’t need to know what you’ve been through to talk to you about the reality of police brutality in the world and the way which Democrats enable it.

      Yes, the progress towards a third party would not be instantaneous. So we shouldn’t bother starting anywhere, and should just concede defeat to the oligarchs who demonstrably own both parties?

      What I’m doing is deciding that I’m not willing to endorse, by vote, continued murder both overseas and at home in the name of possibly preempting further persecution of a marginalized group. I believe the greatest “net good” for humanity should be the priority (second only to the preservation of nature), not a localized “net good” for communities I identify with or for my nation.

      It’s not performative lol, you don’t even know who I am, what could I possibly have to prove here? Don’t assume to be able to ascribe motives to me, and don’t tell me I don’t care about helping people just because I’ve decided bullets and bombs and for-profit murder are the more urgent evil than laws and vitriol and bigotry.

      • rbhfd@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        To put it in the terms of the trolley problem: you’re driving a cart. There’s a fork coming up ahead. On the left, there’s 5 people tied up, on the right there’s 10 people. You can choose to steer left or right. But you decide to hit the brakes even though you know full well they’ve been cut. Even though now 10 people get run over, you can still feel good about yourself.