Very cool how neoliberals and libertarians are being annoying weirdos and nonchalantly defending Joe Biden as he continues to support the Palestinian genocide

    7 months ago

    Maybe someone here can help me because idk how to feel about this whole conflict.

    On one hand, Israel is fucked, the sentiment towards everyday Palestinians and the civilian death toll have been unquestionably bad.

    On the other hand Hamas and Hezbollah are also fucked up theocratic and anti semitic regimes that do not have the best interest of their people in mind, not the sort of people I’m super enthusiastic to support, I don’t even see things necessarily getting better for the Palestinians in a multi state resolution, and a single state resolution which is not devastating to them is practically impossible.

    So far i have agreed with zizeks take on the issue (both states are bad and want eternal conflict at the expense of the people), but there seems to be no solution to go with it.

      7 months ago

      Yeah, this was hard for me too. Not sure if you’re anarchist, but this still might help:

      From “Anarchism and Its Aspirations” by Cindy Milstein:

      If we understand this sense of negative and positive freedom, what appears as a contradictory stance within anarchism makes perfect sense. An anarchist might firmly believe that the Palestinian people deserve to be liberated from occupation, even if that means that they set up their own state. That same anarchist might also firmly believe that a Palestinian state, like all states, should be opposed in favor of nonstatist institutions. A complete sense of freedom would always include both the negative and positive senses—in this case, liberation from occupation and simultaneously the freedom to self-determine. Otherwise, as both actually existing Communist and liberal regimes have demonstrated, “freedom from” on its own will serve merely to enslave human potentiality, and at its most extreme, humans themselves; self-governance is denied in favor of a few governing over others. And “freedom to,” on its own, as capitalism has shown, will serve merely to promote egotistic individualism and pit each against each; self-determination trumps notions of collective good. Constantly working to bring both liberation and freedom to the table, within moments of resistance and reconstruction, is part of that same juggling act of approximating an increasingly differentiated yet more harmonious world

      7 months ago

      Hamas and Hezbollah only have the power to end the conflict through violence. Israel is the only party that can do it through other means.

      7 months ago

      Palestinian DNA is semitic DNA. I know the word had been co-opted and misappropriated, so I feel pointing this out is necessary.