A lot of big polluters are publicly traded companies. Owning shares of US public companies means you can go to shareholder meetings, vote, and other rights.

What do all think of a non profit that runs and is funded with an endowment composed of big polluters like oil companies and using the dividends to fund climate initiatives? In the mean time, using the seat at the table to influence other shareholders to reduce emissions, which is in their long term interest anyways.

If the endowment dries up, mission accomplished. If it grows, more money to act with.

What do all think?

  • WabiSabiPapi@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    your position presupposes that capitalism can serve to improve our collective wellbeing, when it is fundamentally an oppressive heirarchy enforced through violence.

    news flash: if you do not own capital, capitalism’s essential function is not to improve your material condition, but that of the capital owning class.

    your clumsy attempt prior to smear me as a supporter of imperialist aggression (because i criticize your naivete in trying to weild a system that robs you of any agency besides that of the consumer) undermines your claim that you are deserve the benefit of doubt.