The similarities between game consoles and PCs have diminished significantly over the decades. However, Mark Cerny, the chief designer behind the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5, still...
Because the Playstation exists to justify the Playstation’s existence. Same reason Sony PC ports suddenly require some kind of Playstation account. They don’t want parity. They want to goad people into buying a Playstation.
Sony desperately wishes it was still the PS2 era, where games came out for one platform, and were tailored to that platform. Nowadays even fanboys say their system “has no games” because the only games that aren’t on every system are the ones Sony pays for, themselves.
Because the Playstation exists to justify the Playstation’s existence. Same reason Sony PC ports suddenly require some kind of Playstation account. They don’t want parity. They want to goad people into buying a Playstation.
Sony desperately wishes it was still the PS2 era, where games came out for one platform, and were tailored to that platform. Nowadays even fanboys say their system “has no games” because the only games that aren’t on every system are the ones Sony pays for, themselves.