The funding and ideological support for genocide….
The funding and ideological support for genocide….
You are pretending these people oppose genocide….the whole point of this is motivated by some weird racial purity concept
Your picture literally shows non-EU products not turned upside down. Milbona is not an EU product. That should be clear to anyone with a single brain cell. What was the point of making this post?
Ah yes, because Russia has historically presented a major threat to Sweden and has been threatening to them.
What a stupid thing to say….
Supporting the existence of an ethno-state whose entire history is predicated on the removal of the native people through land stealing with this idea that they need living space (sound familiar?) sounds prey fascist to me. Israel’s whole existence places Palestinians below Israelis since it normalizes stealing land and houses of Palestinians for Israelis to take. Secondly, condemning Hamas is essentially condemning the right of the Palestinians to fight back against Israeli oppression which again places Israelis above Palestinians. To support humanity you would have to support the eradication of Israel and the return of land to the Palestinians whose land was stolen. AOC sounds like to me, someone who would take time to condemn the actions of Herschel Grynszpan following the Kristallnacht.
Ah yes, the west, famous for caring about respect when colonizing the global south
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(They don’t care about that because it affected non-white people so they don’t care)
Half’s what?
You are just proving my point. That you have no respect for people and prefer to call them drones. You lack basic the human sense of respect for your fellow man but this makes sense
I think that if your point can’t stand on its own, and it only makes sense when compared to another country then that tells us all we need to know about if Europe actually respects human rights…
Awww, sorry the rest of the world doesn’t cowtail to your far-right neo-fascist delusional view of the world. It must be so hard for you, being exposed to differing views and all
So you don’t know what you are talking about. Somehow Europe is a bastion of human rights while upholding Israel’s genocide (among many, many other things). Ridiculous idea, the EU and the US both disrespect human rights and the idea that one is, in anyway, respecting of them is ridiculous and stupid.
It’s what people end up thinking when they understand Kant through watching YouTube videos instead of reading and understand Marx through Reddit posts. People need to learn to keep their mouths shut if they have not educated themselves on a matter.
How is Sanders “worth a shit”? He is a far right fascist enabler. He has repeatedly defended “Israel’s right to defend itself” and has attacked Hamas for pushing back on encroachments deeper into Palestinian territory. (https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/10/30/bernie-sanderss-failure-to-back-gaza-ceasefire-disappoints-us-supporters) Sanders is and has been a man who is a part of the far right and supports genocide by condemning those who fight back against it.
Hey now, expecting a far right nutjob like Sanders to oppose far right nutjob is uncalled for! Can’t you let him enjoy sitting back and thinking about his support for fascism and genocide in peace?
You calling minimum wage workers “drones” says everything anyone ever needed to know about you.
She is not progressive at all. AOC is a fascist. She has written, that she condemns Hamas and supports “Israel’s right to exist”. She is ideologically supporting far-right fascist settler colonialism. (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/rep-alexandria-ocasio-cortez-condemns-hatred-antisemitism-palestinian-rcna119687) She inherently normalizes the stealing of land of the Palestinian people and condemns people fighting back to liberate themselves.
Ah yes, because the EU is a bastion of respecting human rights. Supporting genocide politically and financially is a great marker of that? 🙄
They lack moral compasses in many other ways. There are only 14 people in the Congress who may nominally oppose this specific policy of political persecution