Thank me later Musk (also that would $1000)
Thank me later Musk (also that would $1000)
Yeah, just recently started self hosting FreshRSS instance. Before that i used Newsboat, first entry on its database is from 2020/09 so been a while in use. But basically i use it for my news reading, linux distro news and used to collect twitter feeds there but now…
Give it a go, easy way to gather all news feeds/blogs/basically anything you want to read in one place!
I’m a firm believer there can never be too many thanks you’s given so: Thank you ernest and everyone working on this.
I myself don’t have much php experience other than one small site that i run, but i hope in the future i can too contribute to this project. But that said i do have somewhat more linux experience and if you or anyone here needs help with anything feel free to shoot me a message.
Or you can use teddit for that too
Currently on Artix, but planning on changing to Gentoo soon.
Hmm interesting, haven’t heard of them before. Was going to give them a try, but can’t seem to find their rss feed. Do they not have one?
Probably meaning this PowerDeleteSuite
Looking at the thumbnail i thought this was about finger traps. Then seeing the full image… why do i have to know where this is from