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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年12月22日


  • Just went on a mini study tour and had no idea that the first nuclear plant was built in the USSR. Of course my nuclear engineering education failed to mention that, only discussing the atom bomb and the EBR-1.

    The Soveits get mocked at any mention and it grates me endlessly because I’ve not had the time to dive into how my field was used in the USSR. If anyone had resources for me to start I’d appreciate it. Research articles are welcome, I’d like to see if there’s any unique designs I’ve yet to see.

  • I hope that the AES can be a bastion of anti-imperialism and prosperity on the African continent, and that it eventually grows into a United African Federation.

    Sankara was extremely accomplished for the relatively short time he had in power, his biggest mistake was underestimating the imperialists, which it seems Traoré has learned from.

    I personally believe that the Sahel states will become a much larger player within the anti-imperialist movement then anyone expects. Within a decade I believe people in the west will be blindsided by their rise, similar to China the last two decades.