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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2022


  • Not that this is ever going to happen but how sick would it be if Caesar found a book collection of Communist works instead of Hegel.

    Just imagine: the game is initially set up the same way, you are told that the legion (they would have another name ofc but I currently can’t come up with anything) is about to take Hoover Dam and that the NCR is barely hanging on. It is heavily implied that the Legion are the baddies but once you leave Goodsprings things get weird.

    You can see at every corner that the NCR sucks and the more you learn about the Legion the more you realise they are actually good. All the while NCR personal is telling you again and again how evil the Legion is without the actual players perception ever reflecting that.

    There would be so much potential to criticise western propaganda and hypocrisy regarding AES countries. And I think the best part would be that it would fly completely over the head of the average gamer/liberal.

  • That’s the point. You have a Villain who wants something good (stop the destruction of nature) and then pair it with something very evil (genocide). It’s a very common trope in media. It leads to the “Hero” of the story being able to defend the status quo again and again without ever challenging it.

  • As far as 40K is concerned I think it mostly comes down to the main faction of the franchise being a hyper religious, fascist nightmare and GW shitting the bed when it comes to presenting any real alternatives. Every faction is at least a little evil or extremely selfish. This leads to the very fucking evil Imperium coming of as “one of many” or “not THAT bad compared to Chaos”.
    However, I don’t think this was the result of intentionally propping up fascists as cool and good and more the result of corporate ghouls not getting satire and as a result removing those elements from the narrative until we have arrived at the current point in time. Where we are told by GW that the Imperium is a fascist shitshow and is surviving DESPITE being so shitty. While pretty much all of the novels are portraying the Imperium as surviving BECAUSE they are so shitty. If any of the other factions were definitely good this wouldn’t be an issue.