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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I think it just highlights loose morales for a quick quid. Defrauding a bookmaker with inside knowledge is still fraud.

    I regularly had inside information on the winners of certain television “reality” tv shows, and could easily chuck £25 on the winner, knowing that it was easy money… but my own moral compass stopped me from doing it because I thought it was wrong.

    I’m not saying that I’m better or worse than anyone, and I can see that the only company I would be defrauding would be a bookmaker… but I saw fraud as fraud, which still didn’t sit right with me.

  • Thank you for the article. The more I learn about it, the more fucked up it truly is. I had a basic understanding of bad it was from a simple perspective, but the more you learn, the more messed up it becomes. I really hope there is something good to come from how monumentally messed up the situation is.

    I’m getting used to GDPR regulations in my line of work I haven’t had to deal with… primarily with how my industry uses AI transcription for media. We have to be very careful with which transcription services that reside outside of the UK are used. so if for example, we use an S3 based transcription service in the cloud that is based in France, we might come into issues, even though they might be GDPR compliant. It’s all a bit of a mess, but once you know what to do it is okay, but to cut through the red tape to get an answer can be laborious because so many people need to agree to the request

    That’s just one little thing, out of hundreds of impactful changes because of Brexit. It really was a ballsup