• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • It definitely has its uses but it also has massive annoyances as you pointed out. One thing has really bothered me, I asked it a factual question about Mohammed the founder of Islam. This is how I a human not from a Muslim background would answer

    “Ok wikipedia says this ____”

    It answered in this long winded way that had all these things like “blessed prophet of Allah”. Basically the answer I would expect from an Imam.

    I lost a lot of trust in it when I saw that. It assumed this authority tone. When I heard about that case of a lawyer citing madeup caselaw from it I looked it as confirmation. I don’t know how it happened but for some questions it has this very authoritative tone like it knows this without any doubt.

  • What I was taught was try to take their conclusion and see how hard it is to maintain it. For example if someone were to argue with me about the truth of their particular branch of Christianity I should do is show how many assumptions I need to make to get to it. I.e. there is a god, this God is personal, this God favors human life, this God choose one particular tribe, this God waited all that time to send his son down…

  • No. Your link it’s wrong and people need to stop posting lies. I have seen the same misinformation link dozens of times. What does it say btw that instead of you just knowing the two languages of the Bible and verifying it yourself you instead have to expert shop?

    The commandment to kill a homosexual says to kill both involved. You don’t punish a victim the way you punish a criminal. But don’t take my word for it you can read your Bible where it specifically says to not punish a rape victim.

    The only thing funny about the translation is in the first reference to it in Leviticus (Leviticus tells you to kill gay people twice and yet your misinformation link implies it happens once) the tense on the first male is plural form. Which while odd doesn’t mean the rule and associatied punishment doesn’t exist.

    I am sorry your idea of sky-daddy is a homophobe. Maybe stop worshipping a being that doesn’t exist?