• 14 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2020


  • one side wants to quit NATO

    Lmao you really believed Trump wants to do that? It’s just rhetoric to buddy up with Russia against China like how the US allied with China against the USSR.

    I believe personally it’s him playing the part of tough dealing CEO man (one of his personas and his most popular one TBH) and doing this with the explicit intent of forcing European countries to meet or exceed their NATO funding commitments which they’ve always gotten a free ride on and that upsets him. It doesn’t upset the CIA because they know for instance that the reason they get a free ride is because NATO makes them vassals, NATO means they can be pulled into our wars at our whims and that generates more value for us than making them pay the full share but Trump doesn’t understand that, that’s too complex for him in terms of reasoning. He thinks you can have your cake and eat it too.

    He makes this threat, gets into office, makes it again, says if they want protection they have to pay. From a business-minded man it makes perfect sense. If you don’t pay taxes for the fire department they stand by and watch your house burn down, if you don’t pay insurance premiums they don’t pay out for your treatment when you get cancer. It’s all perfectly logical to him and he sees these countries as non-paying riders.

  • Still remember that pathetic statement from the US military sobbing about how evil the Chinese were because they tried approaching one of their satellites (they didn’t specify with what but something to compromise it is my bet) and it proceeded to maneuver away at speed from them and apparently that was a big let-down for the Space Farce because they suddenly had no idea how to do part of their job against an adversary that’s keeping an eye on them and can avoid the US implanting hardware to spy, subvert, and destroy if called upon, enemy space assets (which I think is really the whole purpose of the Space Farce, they don’t imagine actually fighting wars there at the moment, just controlling space, doing NSA type shenanigans, etc).

    So the US complaining about this is just lol. It’s like, they have weapons, you literally created a separate branch of your armed forces dedicated to militarizing and controlling space. You’re not one to talk. Not to mention their improper usage of vast cheap privately owned satellite constellations like Starlink for carrying out C&C in war-zones and supporting combat operations and intelligence briefing with troops in combat against Russia in the Ukraine.

  • Regulators: And you promise you won’t be evil this time Microsoft if we grant the application to acquire Activision?

    Microsoft: Of course not, what would give you the idea we would be evil, look, we’re even going to allow those using our competitor’s platform of PlayStation the option to buy the Call of Duty

    Regulators: Well alright since you promise.

    Microsoft: taps head They can’t buy our games on a competitor’s console if we kill off the physical media division and then engineer a spat over fees Sony charges for their digital store in a few years and they’ll be seen as the unreasonable ones!

  • If you can get a good job writing closed source software that gives you a decent quality of life and gives you the free-time to contribute to some open source projects outside of work I think you’ll still do good for FOSS. Don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.

    At the end of the day we have to be realistic with ourselves about the world we find ourselves in and the limits of the power of an individual in it. Starving for the sake of some imagined purity or living a lower quality of life isn’t Marxist. As long as you’re not directly abetting the imperialism machine by working for some ghoulish NATO defense contractor I don’t think you have that much to feel badly about.

    That said there’s things like programming around helping coordinate mass transit and provide info to travelers. Programming for industrial machinery including especially in areas not related to manufacturing of goods like power, utilities, and though that’s pretty specialized if you can get your foot in the door you have a fairly interesting skill-set. Government jobs for government agencies are also an option.

    There are companies that write open source software that isn’t free to companies (e.g. they charge for use when used as part of a profitable enterprise or sell support packages to large enterprises) but they aren’t that great in number and to get in the door you’ve a better chance if you have something on your resume already which means unfortunately working for a for-profit, usually closed source company.

    Hypocrisy is good and well for the idealist to worry about. The realist however cares more about feeding the children, feeding themselves and doing what they can with what they have. There is in the FOSS movement a certain idealism among many that think via free computing they can free humanity when in reality you must via revolution free humanity to free computing. FOSS is a rebel insurrection against capitalism but not one that can ever change the superstructure or base in any meaningful way on their own.

    Never forget under capital you are forced under duress to sell your labor, it is not your fault, you are not a bad person for doing so and for doing so under conditions less than ideal for people who uphold a way of doing things you find philosophically repugnant.

    So try, try to find something that fits these ideals but if you cannot, do not feel too badly.

  • Respectfully. I’m not sure I buy this. There might be some thinking there but I really think it is the return of chips as munitions that existed in the 90s and the US trying to hurt China’s ability to compete on AI and super-computing and in the defense space. It’s ill advised and doomed to destroy their domestic industries in the end but the evidence including NVIDIA (an American company) begging for export licensing, designing chips around the export ban only to have those then hit with an updated ban and the commerce secretary openly stating she wouldn’t allow them to get around such restrictions and would veto things next day if she had to in order to stop it.

    Terminating deals with Netherlands companies to knee them center mass I could see, but these things are attacking American companies.

    Along with the fact that there has been all this talk of “clean networks” I really think the US is going to try and cut China out, ban sales to them, then lock in as many countries as they can with talks of Chinese chips being a threat (like they did with Huawei) and possibly passing laws or regulations to the effect that countries (with a few strategic exceptions like India who are too important to lose and will be given exemptions) must choose. Either they get access to US chips, US technology, US high tech products and brands or they choose Chinese and those brands are banned from exporting technology above a certain level to them.

    Thing is US sanctions have always had these “loopholes” you speak of because the US wants flexibility to benefit themselves as well as not to drive strategic allies into the arms of others (and that’s what these are for, handing them out to India or in case it’s somehow otherwise beneficial to the plan, it’s not a back-door in 99% of cases just a situation where if you’ve been bribing the commerce secretary all their life and call in a favor they can get your little company a little exemption so you don’t have to deal with the hassle kind of thing).

    The fact is they hadn’t handed NVIDIA a blanket exemption as I’d expect they would if the goal was destroying foreign companies. In fact they’ve made life difficult and the NVIDIA CEO has complained that it’s going to badly hurt them in the long-run and that he doesn’t like it. I don’t think the CEO of NVIDIA is being deceptive on this. It makes no sense. What’s the point of a deception so elaborate it encourages the Chinese to invest in replacement for NVIDIA chips? They’re not going to shut all that down if the US one day says “just kidding haha, here” because they’re not about to be trusting of anyone acting like that. Just to fool their lapdog vassals? Not needed as we’ve seen with Russia the US merely needs say jump into the volcano and they ask at what degree of attack and it won’t work, the Chinese will have replacements by the time such an alleged ruse is dropped.

    I think what we are seeing here is in fact the industrial vs financial bourgeoisie. Finance being international in nature is fine cozying up to China and this means most tech companies. On the other hand the defense industry, the war-hawks, and the brain-poisoned politicians all have reasons to try and confront and destroy China and this is part of a strategy to do that. A portion of the bourgeoisie, the ones in control of most of the levers of government are convinced it’s necessary to destroy or really contain and restrain China and that short-term pain for that among some industries is acceptable to the whole for its health.

    White house advisors have talked about their desires for keeping China 5-10 years behind the US at all times. Not of being able to conclusively beat them or destroy them in the near future but of locking them in the past and making sure if you want the best you have to buy American.

    They underestimate China, they’re using an outdated playbook, they think they can get ahead and stay ahead. But it’s reasonable to assume they’re not lying. They usually tell the truth. I mean they’ve been happy to publish the truth for decades on everything including grand geopolitical strategy like their reasons for destabilizing the middle east/west Asia. Sure they don’t say it on CNN but they publish books, give talks at think tanks and basically are very candid about this stuff and always have been in order to get buy-in because there is division among the bourgeoisie and corporations and indeed among their thinkers on this.

  • because westerners don’t know the language or care enough to check the policies

    Maybe your common internet commentator does not check. But the western intelligence agencies check. They want someone like him in power in Russia over Putin. For 1) they’d own him, clearly they’ve done a lot for him and he would likely work with them, for 2) because he is a Nazi and ethnonationalist he would do for them what they’ve long sought to do which is break up Russia into smaller manageable ethnic chunks they can color revolution and control, his policies would drive and allow their intelligence agencies to further instigate into independence movements or at least long-burning terrorism that bogs down the state these tensions he’d create with the many ethnic groups in Russia. He’s perfect for their aims. His views perfect.

  • Well they could have done it more gradually and that may have been the better move. Take 3 steps to get to each goal over a number of years with the ability to stop half-way if needed. Instead of outright going for the throat in this maybe just the ban on harmful incentive systems that force players to log in daily or fall behind. That by itself would have had western gamers cheering for the most part as aside from a few deeply in denial addicts most people don’t like being controlled like that.

  • darkcalling@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlChina bad
    10 months ago

    The national security threat is purely hyped up because western companies spy on you for western intelligence and allow western intelligence manipulation of the feed of someone in the US or Finland but also importantly allow spying on and manipulation by psyops of someone in Vietnam, in Cuba, in Russia, in China, in Africa. Chinese companies will not do that. They will not give them global back-doors. They will cooperate to the extent required within the US or other NATO nations on spying on their users or manipulation as required by law but they will not allow global manipulation and dominance which is what this and the freak-out about Chinese 5G is all about. It’s about making sure western intelligence controlled software, platforms, hardware is the global standard to compromise everyone everywhere, not about keeping the west secure from spying or influence.

  • You mean an m2 drive? Sure. If you just mean data such as files and not like a partition or moving your whole operating system then all you need to do is format the DESTINATION drive (careful not to format the source) to a file system then copy your files there.

    If you want to move partitions or a whole install gparted can do that. Do be very careful when doing things like cloning disks or partitions though, especially if you’re using the terminal always double and triple check your commands and the relevant disk designations are correct.

  • Projection.

    What were the Minsk accords I wonder and why were they lies. How many times did Russia try and present an off-ramp to the situation?

    What about the murder of civilians and oppression of those of Russian descent in the east of the country by these Nazi paramilitaries who the sitting president himself once personally went to ask to stand down (they didn’t)?

    They haven’t taken any amount of gas or oil according to anything I’ve seen. In fact they’ve lost sales over this after the US blew up in an act of aggression and violation of international law the Nord Stream gas pipeline which was also German property.

    That’s projection again on your part. The US actually is stealing Syrian oil. https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202209/1275233.shtml

    Russia did not want this war. They tried hard to avoid it but your sanctions will never break them. They were supposed to run out of ammo after all within the first six months, then the same was said after 12 months, only now does the west admit they’ll never run out and that Russian production far outstrips the combined production capabilities of the US.

    If they wanted to seize the country whole they wouldn’t have stopped for peace talks with their troops outside Kiev. They wouldn’t have pushed hard, they wouldn’t have bothered to show up and the US wouldn’t have had to send their stooge Boris Johnson there to torpedo those talks so they can continue to use the Ukrainian people as fodder to bleed Russia in an ill conceived and now we know doomed to fail attempt at weakening and isolating them.

    Russia may be forced to take the whole country to stop the fanatical Nazi regime there that refuses to be reasonable (many of us suspect Zelenskyy’s life would be forfeit if he did surrender or attempted to negotiate) but that was not their intention or choice. They have stated many times their wants are simple and that is removal of the Nazis, demilitarization so Ukraine can’t be used against them (that was the whole point of the Minsk lies by the way according to Angela Merkel, giving the Ukrainians time to build up powerful forces to fight Russia), and Ukraine not being part of the offensive, explicitly anti-Russian terrorist organization known as NATO.

  • Da, I mean, oh no how did you find out!?!

    Please delete this. Yogthos has a family to support. If Putin finds out they’ve been discovered they’ll be fired from their posting job and their children will starve. Have a heart, come on.


    Korea, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya would like a word.

    Also they’re literally still occupying Cuba in Guantanamo Bay under an illegal, coerced agreement with the Batista regime for a trivial couch money rent which since the Castro revolution has been rejected and demanded to be returned. They need to leave Cuba and stop using it to extrajudicially torture people.

    Yes, a country can have nazis.

    Careful you’re near paraphrasing a Putin speech where he said yes many countries have Nazis, but only Ukraine integrates them into their regular army, venerates Nazi war criminals as national heroes, teaches revisionist education that downplays such crimes, has regular units full of people wearing Nazi symbols, tears down monuments to those who defeated Nazism, etc.

    The US refused to honor its word not to encroach NATO up to Russia. Refused to allow Russia into NATO. Refused to stop expanding east and has shown again and again that NATO is an offensive alliance as if its founding including many literal third reich members wasn’t a clue that it was kind of problematic.