I didnt vote for either of the human scum they offered for sElection, Bitch. Bye @Goodmorningsunshine
@PowerCrazy @faab64 As I said with Aaron Bushnell, anyone that dedicated is worth INFINITELY MORE alive, to their cause.
Ps. For the record, you DO NOT CHOOSE to be a martyr. Martyrdom happens.
@AnarchoBolshevik One. This is a joke, right? Rape of arab captives is endemic and considered perfectly legal by the zionist government.
Dont forget to truecost the coal and other petroproducts needed to power the factories that make these high tech lifestyle savers. The alloys and composite materials needed REALLY SUX IT you know @SteveKLord ?
Ps. We’re never shown all the DIESEL TRUCK TRAFFIC and other vehicles all over new roadways in RURAL environments required to maintain this high tech trash… Almost none of it recyclable.
@WuTang Know the nice thing about flags, troll? They’re all the same color when they BURN. Unfortunately so are CHARRED #PALESTINIANS BODIES. Human Rights Watch: Israel of using white phosphorus munitions in Gaza, Lebanon https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4254113-israel-white-phosphorus-gaza-human-rights-watch/ Now crawl back into your Lemming hole.
@13igTyme No. It’s a vote for None of the above. Some countries actually have that on the ballot, but IMAGINE how much a US rerun would cost, or some scumbag attempting to govern with 10% of the popular vote. Bye Bye.