Even black cops.
Not that this story doesn’t highlight major societal issues with bias and bigotry. But yeah. ACAB still holds true.
All Cops Are Blue
Daba Dee, Daba Die
Thanks, I didn’t know what the “All” part meant.
Assigned Cop At Birth
all cops are bimbos
Black Cops Won’t Save Us by F.D Signifier covers this topic well
I was just about to link this. 🙌🏾
True story, my life partner seriously thought that ACAB stood for Assigned Cat At Birth.
My crazy uncle on Facebook heard they’re putting litter boxes in the classrooms now!
Otherkin are valid. While the litterbox thing is fake, I am 100% certain there’s a very brave teenager out there who has come out as catkin at school, and I am proud of them.
All Cops Are Black
Don’t be a cop.
If a person is going to be a cop then I want them to at least have some diversity so as to be able to handle a wider range of problems and interactions (and to fill spots otherwise used by racist assholes).
Buddy, it’s a blue wall. Race don’t mean shit in that system. <— Study showing you your own ass
I also believe that all cops should have a stronger layer of accountability (like perhaps an arm under the FBI to locally monitor police), that certain interactions between judges, proscutors, and police should be discouraged with fines or worse, and they should be demilitarized.
But for now, standing against a diverse police force is idiocy.
Other research, though, has found that the diversification of police forces did not lead to less aggressive policing of Black and other minority civilians (Headley & Wright, 2020; Nicholson-Crotty et al., 2017; Rim et al., 2021; Smith, 2003; Smith & Holmes, 2014).
I don’t think my ass is showing too bad. Maybe just the crack. This is a quote from your article btw. So there’s research to suggest it helps, and research to suggest it doesn’t.
I’m not standing against diversifying police forces, I never even hinted that. I’m saying in the current system it doesn’t matter. A cop is blue. And look at that there’s studies to support my position too.
Meh, people are hyper radicalized against the police for not terrible reasons. I really hope that we are able to fix the issues with training, racism, etc but there’s no real point in arguing with the kind of people who would say the stuff I’m seeing in this thread.
Similar vibes as that story from maybe a month ago of cop being executed in the street and the comments were just full of people celebrating. Really sickening.
I’d rather have people in this thread be a cop than what they selectively hire(they choose the connie bully types)
This country has horrific systemic racism, and that might very will have instigated this scenario.
On the other hand, if there’s a guy prowling between the houses of my neighborhood, even if he’s in uniform, I’m going to call the police to make sure it’s legit, and I’m going to describe him as best I can, including skin color.
The police always tell the public that they should call authorities if they aren’t sure about someone pulling you over or at the door. Until you do such things to be cautious, and suddenly you’re the bad person for not immediately obeying. Double standard.
Absolutely, it’s absurd for that guy to assume this is a racist act.
But that’s what happens when victim mentality is drilled into one so deeply that it becomes the primary component of one’s identity.
A wound that is stricken on a daily basis becomes so sore even a gentle touch hurts.
Living as a hammer that sees everything as a nail is not a virtue, it’s a flaw.
If only they had the common sense to be angry at white pigs too
To be fair, cops can’t just randomly look into people’s houses, so this guy could have been mistaken for a police impersonator.
I mean, they can and do. Its just not legal.
Cops can randomly look into people’s houses. For example, if the blinds are up etc.
Because anyone can. It’s not illegal.
I’ve looked into 458 houses
Will anyone stop this man, he’s a menace 😭
Trust me bro
Maybe it is bad that I uphold this system 🤔
Where is he, Patrick?
At the intersection of Conch and Coral.
That’s where I am! He’s right on top of me, but I can’t see him!
He’s just standing there… menacingly!
Still a bastard, though
Honestly, I’ve called cops on cops before, no need for them to be black. One because they were an undercover cop who did not identify themselves adequately and acted suspiciously, second another (or maybe the same) undercover cop that was driving recklessly through the streets almost causing accidents without even a cop light/siren. I’d probably even call if they were in uniform and acted suspiciously enough so dispatch could double check. Cops are workers and they are human, they are not above you or illicit activities themselves, recordings have proved this. I would call, just not place the blame on them while just sticking to why the circumstances aroused concern.
And even generally, calling official numbers to confirm a situation is even something that is increasingly becoming necessary with the number of scams coming out. I realize racism was probably a factor here, specially if they are calling while cop cars are outside and there is clearly a crime scene being investigated, but seriously, don’t think this means you have to think twice about reporting suspicious activity if they are cops.
That’s what you get for being a race traitor, buddy.
Jesus Christ
well good thing you signed up to protect this system
You would think you’d be used to being a subservient whipping boy if you become a cop while black.
Cool story, still a bastard.
I mean, being real, I’d be less worried if it was some random dude.
But, whoever called that in just saw some dude in dark clothing fucking around. Unless you get the right line of sight, you aren’t going to be able to see the few shiny bits on the typical dark blue uniforms. Especially not with a flashlight bouncing around, while you’re looking out a window carefully.
Frankly, if a cop isn’t wearing something bright enough to be seen through a dirty window and it be obvious it’s a cop, it’s on them if someone sics an angry goat on them.
In our town the police day shift wears the shiny bits and bobs, and the night shift is entirely flat black including even a black embroidered badge.
i wonder how differently the cops would act if we made them wear bright pink instead
The caller recognized that he was wearing police clothing, how else would he identify that he’s a cop other than his uniform? They saw a black man in police uniform and assumed he was pretending to be a cop.
Fuck me. That’s what I get for not verifying things via tts
I bet he had a gun too!