For example, I’ve been reading in depth about reverse engineering lately and improving my web h4ck1ng skills by playing CTFs. And every night before bed, I read philosophy to stay sane. I’m currently reading “Negative Dialectics” by Theodor W. Adorno.
What about you?
I’m taking a Chinese class at the local community college. It’s 101 so I’m kinda way way ahead having already learned a bit, but the practice has been very good being the big fish in a small pond rather than the other way around.
Also I have to learn to write characters by hand which is a big change when I’m used to typing like “whxhwyx” for “我很喜欢玩游戏”
你好! I’m doing the same. Are ya’ll using a textbook? We’re using Integrated Chinese.
I feel like I’m way behind though and barely keeping up with speech. Character memorization, recognition, and writing is way easier. I think its helping improve my handwriting because mine kinda sucks in English.
I’m sticking it through since I am learning for sure but I don’t think I’ve ever spent so much time studying in a uni class before. It was like 5 hours a day last week.
Yeah, same textbook! I had gotten pretty far on HelloChinese app and independent study (mostly just listening to music and reading all the business signs in my neighborhood) so there’s a lot of words and grammar and all that that I know, but my speaking is very not great and I the writing practice means I’m finally learning the radicals.