They quoted some wokeshit called “power dynamics” or something. Anyway, I called Crimestoppers to let them know about this crime. A man and his burger shouldn’t be fucked with. Guy got his burger but he ran out of here as soon as he got it. Probably the embarrassment of whole situation.
the fuck is a teen burger
Part of the A&W Burger Family! You got Mama Burger, Papa Burger, Teen Burger, Grandpa Burger, I think there is or used to be a baby/kid Burger.
Stepsister Burger
Jody Burger
Buddy Burger
Another family ruined by woke.
The great burger family.
There used to be an uncle burger.
Not anymore. Now it’s the aunt burger.
It’s pickles and cheese, not Adam and Steve!!
I hear they still have the uncleburger in Russia.
Pete thiel’s fav