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I want to save to onedrive, the one drive on my computer.
Download NORTON NOW!!!
*click to dismiss
*click to dismiss
*click to dismiss
*click to dismiss
*click to dismiss
…don’t save everything on root.
You mean / or /root?
OneDrive usurping my folders and data, siphoning it to their servers without my permission (just like a virus) is exactly why I switched to Linux. It’s such a breath of fresh air not feeling like every update is trying to monetize and enshittify my computer more
Honestly OneDrive replacing the local folders is what made me fully switch to Linux
auto-enabling that is, perhaps, the single most annoying thing they’ve done to windows. like you don’t even get a fucking choice when they do it, they just take your data… which adds ‘most frightening thing done’ as well.
and onedrive is also configured to cloud-first. you don’t even have your files on your hardware unless you go back and access them again (so they’re re-downloaded) or reconfigure onedrive to put them all back.
It seriously pissed me off so much. Like how could I possibly trust the OS after that? Literally just like a virus! Windows has pissed me off for a solid decade but that was waaay too far over the line for me to shrug it off yet again
My wife made a giant folder called garbage she shoves stuff that she copied out of Windows to put in OneDrive so it can’t fit her files when it decides to randomly start uploading again.
For me it was being able to fully disable co-pilot and make sure that it stayed disabled. I asked it how to turn itself off and it hallucinated options that didn’t exist.
Download ISO from M$, wipe and install, uninstall One Drive, done. Betting you got fucked using the Dell or HP or whatever factory install.
Only enshittification I see is a single sentence on my lock screen. Don’t care, used a Windows crack, paid nothing.
No one forces you to use Snaps or a distro that enforces Snaps.
I suppose Ubuntu could count as an exception…
Luckily there are plenty of choices, Fedora is my personal fav
You can just uninstall it, you do realise that right? Making Onedrive fuck off and stay fucked off is pretty easy to do.
Do I look like I know what a jay peg is?
Also yes this is crazy. I would recommend installing Linux to fix this issue.
You’ve got the right idea :)
Penguin, penguin …
I love my computer so much more since I switched to Linux
Remember ladies and gents. It’s not cloud storage it’s someone else’s computer.
You know whats cool? Office programs like excel and word have an ‘autosave toggle’, and you know what it does? “Please log into one drive to enable autosave”.
Thats right, you cant have a local autosave, you MUST be saving to one drive.
Cool, thanks, no.…
Fuck M$ 365, good old Office 2019.
Also fuck Teams, but that is a whole different story.
Why do you continue to use software that abuses you? Try LibreOffice or even Google.
Some of us have to use Windows at work. It’s awful.
I know a few people were given Macs on request, I wonder if I could get a Linux machine… Everything we do is web based or on a remote desktop.
I mean technically any machine is a potential Linux machine…
I do feel a bit like a Hank Hill when I rant about this or any other newer, unwelcome features. No, Outlook, I don’t want you to finish my sentences, you are wrong 100% of the time and I’d rather do it myself gosh dang it.
Switch to Linux, this shit doesn’t happen unless you set it up.
Shit doesn’t happen to me on Windows. Killed One Drive, done.
Been wondering if the hassle is from pre-installed versions vs. the “got my own ISO” version straight from M$. I get very few of the Windows complaints I see when I wipe it to factory and install vanilla Windows. Which anyone using Windows should do on a new machine.
Recently had to deal with creating a Windows 11 installation for someone else. I used a self-downloaded ISO and Rufus, and it still tried to pull that crap. OneDrive will create a system notification offering to enable it, and it’s similar enough to the various annoying Windows onboarding notifications that some people will accidentally click the confirmation thinking it’s the dismiss button.
I was moderately annoyed at the amount of stuff I had to either disable or uninstall when I got my Win 11 laptop, including One Drive, and getting rid of the news recommendations etc, but it’s definitely less hassle than installing a new OS.
Installing a new OS is not a hassle at all on this day and age. If you can click buttons with a mouse and read at least at a 6th grade level to follow instructions, you can install an OS.
And can you guarantee all the software and hardware I use for my job will work? Everything runs on Windows, it’s guaranteed to work. I wasn’t happy about all the crap I had to get rid of, but once it’s done it’s done.
No I can’t guarantee it, and neither does Microsoft, Windows, nor any of the software you have ever used, for work or not. Read the TOS. You are given nothing, and all software, no matter how much you pay is “provided as is”. Which means they deny responsibility for bugs or misbehavior of their code. MS corporate contracts don’t sell guarantees, they sell support when something eventually goes wrong. They never promise the software will always 100% work because it opens them to legal liability. OneDrive, to keep the discussion on topic, doesn’t guarantee availability of your files, or their integrity, and even makes you agree to not sue them even if you lose all your data.
There’s “guaranteed to work” in a literal sense, and there’s “guaranteed to work” in the sense that a given outcome is a near certainty.
I realise people on the spectrum take things literally, I shouldn’t be surprised.
You think calling someone autistic is an insult?
it’s guaranteed to work
You’ve never read any of the licenses for your software, then?
There’s “guaranteed to work” in a literal sense, and there’s “guaranteed to work” in the sense that a given outcome is a near certainty.
I realise people on the spectrum take things literally, I shouldn’t be surprised.
It also doesn’t save to one drive unless you set it up.
Some people have jobs.
Yeah, people who know how to use Linux
All of my personal machines are Linux. I’m forced to use Windows for work, like nearly all knowledge workers. You’ll find out about it when you grow up.
I just made linux on the company laptop a requirement for me working at the current company. They told me, that I would have to install and maintain it myself, so I have Arch Linux on my company laptop. I like it a lot more than Debian, which I had to use at the previous company.
I have never used windows in a work environment so far.
@django @ThePrimitive I once got a similar “you’ve opted out of company support” for ordering and installing additional RAM in my laptop from my department budget.
I lol’d in 8GB
The sad reality.
Skill issue
You’ll find out about it when you grow up.
I’m pretty sure, when I grew up, my aspirations were a bit higher than bragging about being a corporate drone.
When your value comes from the experience on your resume and not the stack of CompTIA certifications that you purchased while attending college, you get job offers that don’t come with a cubicle.
You sound insufferable.
Stop, you’re hurting my feelings.
Yeah, they come with a spatula and a mop.
Tell me you’re divorced from the reality of a late-stage capitalist society without telling me, bro.
You’re right, there’s nothing that you can do but give in to the ghouls and take our allotted job, then spend our free time bitterly slinging shit at people who don’t follow in our rut.
There’s no change possible and anyone who pretends otherwise should be boo’d out of the conversation so we can all return to our miserable lives supporting the corporate boot with our collective necks.
How silly of me for aspiring to more. Thank you, wise young adult, for sharing the wisdom of your many hours looking at an-cap memes. I shall return to my spatula and mop, lest I upset the rest of the cattle.
Aspiring to more? Motherfucker, how do expect to do that waxing poetic about ruts and calling everyone who doesn’t buy your im14andthisisdeep rhetoric cattle? Young adult, indeed.
Here’s a hint: a stack of certifications is going is going to do you more good than some ego-trip pipe dream about single-handedly bucking the system. Save that Crimethinc reality-dodging bullshit for the rest of the trustsfarian lifestylists.
BTW, I’m a libertarian socialist and a member of the DSA and IWW. Ancaps can kiss my dick.
Quick vent. My job introduced OneDrive and cloud shit through Microsoft. Yeah. I still have to tell my computer to save on itself. I’m not using OneDrive.
I hear my coworkers bitch about it all the time. It’s not syncing. I can’t save or change this or that. I can’t find it when I’m trying to open it. Why is this green or yellow? What’s up with this check? They always ask me for help because I’m the younger one that knows more about computers. I respond that I don’t do cloud shit. I want to know where my info is, but they keep on wanting me to figure it out for them.
I guess cloud computing is my old man yelling at clouds line.
I just disable it on system boot. Company hates that I’m not using OneDrive…
I’ll throw crap in SharePoint, but I also won’t use that dogshit ‘service’ either.
I don’t want people touching my reports. It’s my shit. View only.
I absolutely hate OneDrive and similarly to you would go out of my way to save on my device for work. We had to upgrade to win11 recently and now all my documents, pictures, etc automatically redirect to OneDrive… :| this is an “improvement” according to them.
Also the amount of copilot that’s being pushed on us. I know AI can do lots of things but holy God let me read my own fucking emails.
I guess cloud computing is my old man yelling at clouds line.
Not necessarily. Cloud storage is great for off-site backups and collaborative working on projects, but Onedrive, 365 and the rest of the Microsoft stuff is the problem. It’s clunky, overloaded and generally a pain in the ass to manage. It is successful mostly because everyone already works with Microsoft stuff, especially their office suite, and Microsoft makes it really annoying (and in some places difficult) to go around it.
At my last job I had to implement and manage a lot of 365 and Sharepoint and I find my private Nextcloud more comfortable (and there are hosters who offer Nextcloud as a partially managed service so that in a company environment you’d mostly just need to administer users and small, easy stuff). If for usability alone I’d put Google’s cloud services and collaborative office environment before Microsoft’s (they’re still both shitty megacorps and I recommend staying away from both, though).
“And for the love of god stop letting programs put their crap here”
“Let’s finish setting up windows (by asking you to subscribe to something you don’t need!)”
This happened on my work computer and fucked up a lot of software.
Getting OneDrive uninstalled fully is a nightmare. I got rid of it but it was still trying to sync. Like wtfff
Just install Linux at this point.
It was for a client at work, so I couldn’t. I don’t know how to install Linux, either. I’m going to try once I get a charger for my old laptop. It isn’t a big priority though. I’ve been playing around with my Steamdeck in desktop mode to try to learn some Linux stuff and it’s been going okay.
I use ubuntu btw for many years now and it’s not as scary as it might sound. Quite user friendly at this point and you can just download the .iso and install it.
This seems to be the answer to all tech problems on Lemmy
Really it’s restraint to only offer it as a solution to tech problems, because install more linux is my solution to all problems.
Wife left you? Should have installed Linux on her devices. Then again I know a guy who did that and still has SSH access.
These aren’t “tech related” problems, they are “windows is shit and abusive to the user” problems.
OneDrive to rule them all, OneDrive to subscribe them
OneDrive to pester them all and in the darkness sync them
In the land of Microsoft, where the data lies.
You have a house?
Step 1: Hide in a rich person’s mansion.
Step 2: Wait 21 years.
Step 3: Claim Adverse Posession. 😎