Did you get that link here?
No, just searched their page for ″horse″
Well, I had been doing similar and posting the higher quality version and link to the artist as a comment on posts like these for quite some time, and I’ve recently decided to instead make a community dedicated to it.
I don’t get it.
The horse sold his legs for ski’s to aid his master in the next alpine part of their journey.
The princess was in peril, but after witnessing the horse’s sacrifice, was embolden by his actions and decided she wasn’t a damsel.
The knight dislikes running and complains about the lack of elevators in that part of the town.
The princess in the tower doesn’t want to get rescued anymore, and the horse’s legs were stolen like the wheels of a car might be in bad neighbourhoods.
Actually, the princess was bait. She never was in need of rescue in the first place
Ah Thanks!
This made me make rapid nasal exhalations
Story of all times.
Far Side energy