A bullet proof vest, as though anyone wants him killed that isn’t a moneyed interest. Those folks have people killed in their jail cells and try to pass it off as suicide.
I think they want him alive so there’s no martyrdom. joke’s on them.
The sad thing is, he barely knows what’s going on, besides that he shoot a CEO. He does not know just how deep the rabbit hole goes. I hope he gets jury nullified.
I swear if he’s acquitted and doesn’t start an OF, he will have still committed a crime yk
its the eyebrows.
That instruction is for the person you downloaded the meme from. I still got to post it after I download… If I don’t op gets to fuck my mother.
Op fucking your mother is only a matter of time anyway it’s just not his turn yet.
For the record, yours is the last funny one. But we all know how the Internet works. Out of all the people here, someone will want to drive the joke into the ground. (Don’t be that guy.)
It’s cute that you think I need it to be funny to anyone other than me
God he’s so fuckin’ hot.
I’m a gay woman, but I have to agree
I’m a straight man but when he had a six pack and a gorgeous smile I completely couldn’t understand what he did. I mean I do but I don’t.
I’m a straight man, and I concur.
Did he just say “making fuck”?
Yeah, straight af and I can tell that dudes fuckin pretty as hell. 🤣 I don’t even know why, but I can tell. 🤔
It’s the killing murderous CEOs that does it
Straight men who are secure in their sexuality have no problem talking about how attractive another man is.
If they took away his shaving implements, would these feelings wax or wane?
am bi, would fuck
next question
Am straight, would also fuck
Am fuck, would gay
Oh no! Is this a cat?
It seems assembled incorrectly…Looks right to me.
How the fuck
Cats are liquid
You can tell that feels so good
Billionaire CEOs and giant corporations are already fucking us, so why not!
Am ace. Not thrilled about the fucking, but I’d be around for the aftercare catering.
Am ace. Would fuck just as a thank you.
I would crawl a mile over broken glass just to sniff the hole of the last person he fucked.
Well, I can’t un-read that…
But would you slide down a 50 foot razor blade into a vat of alcohol just to hear him fart through a walkie talkie?
I thought I was straight…
God I would let this man do things to me.
Just as a precaution you don’t happen to be a CEO or anything right? I mean he would probably do things to you if you were but maybe not what you had in mind.
The guy in the pic?
Btw is he wearing a bulletproof vest? Smart
No, I believe that’s a bullet proof east.
Don’t mock his accent. His English is wery good otherwise.
* othervise
common mistakeThanks, stalker 🤗
Is this from Kanye’s book of baby names?
Lol in german it is “Weste”
Go to hell
He’s probably being forced to by the police to make him look more dangerous. Somehow?
At least that was the theory that was floating around for the first couple photos of him with one.
I don’t know him wearing a bulletproof vest makes me feel like the other people are the ones that are dangerous and he’s the one that’s in danger of being harmed by the actual violent people?
Yep his lawyer objected to him being perp walked everywhere with like a dozen SWAT dudes and cuffs, manacles, and a vest bc it makes him look guilty - but they’re doing it anyway.
That’s why he was wearing shoes without socks and ankle-cut pants that day in court, I think - there are close up shots of the manacles and they look ridiculous on him with him in his cute lil loafers looking like a fancy lad.
They’ll tell you its for his protection so that he cant be assassinated… but we all know thats complete bullshit and its for the optics
Yep. Why would anyone assassinate him? It doesn’t make sense. He doesn’t have any hidden information. If you think he did it, well, he’s already on trial for murder. Who is that not enough for?
It’s dumb.
While I may not agree with his method I do appreciate his commitment and resolve.
I’ll say, I agree with his method. It was damn effective.
It’s only effective if other people do it too.
I am trying to think of other ways…
Kidnap the rich
Keep us posted.
Or don’t, let the headlines do it for you.
I’m sure I can think of something. Give me time
Be safe.
I meant non violent ways. The fact there are few alternatives, in any, allowed the misunderstanding
I hope he’s found innocent and they never catch the actual guy who did it