:.|:;Based on the comments, the Internet is experiencing a slow, systemic Loss of its own history.
This took me longer than I feel it should have.
I’m just so accustomed to seeing Loss in a variety of forms that I hardly notice the form anymore, so the pun wouldn’t have occurred to me.
Same, especially considering the other day I said that I should just assume anything I don’t understand immediately is this.
It truly is a modern day pictograph, coming right back round to the dawn of civilisation for memes
Huh? What does this have to do with LotR?
Take my upvote and fuck you.
Listen Legoland I don’t live in the lands of JONDOR
seems backwards and the one its side does not help at all. should be like 3 then 2 then 1 then none
As mentioned, it requires preemptive knowledge of something. Namely this
ah yes. my grades in historical meme imagery has always been lousy.
Dammit thank you for the reminder. I knownthis cartoon and totally forgot about it
brilliant usage, I support 10/10