I think this is innately a deeply personal issue to him - and he is now going to train the firepower of “the richest person on the planet” on everyone. thats where the politics and ideological alignment may come in.
one hell of a (sad?) real life “super-villain” origin story. the man needs mental help, and derision, but a lot of serious mental help.
he WAS the richest, but last i saw, his personal net worth went down $200B! the largest loss of net worth ever. Keep it up guys and he’ll be in the gutter
He will never ever be in the gutter. I’m sure he has enough liquidity that he will be very wealthy no matter what his stock does, even if he couldn’t extract another penny out of his stocks somehow.
He’s a narsassistic asshole who apparently did IVF for all his kids because he wanted all boys.
That one of the kids ended up being a girl because she’s trans despite his effort at avoiding it seems to drive him crazy, especially as someone who thinks he owns his children.
His kids are all IVF because his penis got broken during vanity enlargement surgery. Balding, chinless, dickless wonder who somehow thinks HIS genes need to be propagated with gold diggers.
Respect to his daughter for being what she is, and not what he wants.
You’re in this thread actively discouraging setting Teslers (lol) on fire. “Oh, won’t someone think of the consequences, New Teslers come with shotguns…” Yes, consequences should be considered, but you’re sea-lioning. The fact is that Nazi’s and their nazi supporters need consequences too.
I agree. But Naia was politicising mental disorders and I thought I’d dare them to go all the way. I hate it when cowards only go after the mental disorders everyone already hates. It’s picking on the weak. Go big or go home!
Politicising mental disorders is the same bullshit no matter which disorder. Musk is a person, his autism and narcissism have nothing to do with his political choices.
His narcissism most certainly has to do with his political choices, especially since it seems his narcissism is driving him to do stupider and more damaging actions. Also I doubt he is autistic dude was looking for an excuse for being unfunny and about as charismatic as a rotting opposum corpse cooking on the side of the road, also the afformentioned uncontrolled narcissism and long history of lying makes anything he claims suspect.
I doubt he has narcissism as much as you doubt he has autism. He doesn’t have a diagnosis. It’s just rumours. That’s not a good enough basis to be ableist. You’re forming stereotypes about narcissism based on a rumour based on stereotypes. It’s fucking xkcd citogenesis. You’re inventing your own truth whole cloth.
I’m addressing the trait of narcissism not the mental illness of narcissistic personality disorder. Two different things ones a mental illness and the other is being a maladaptive bitch who thinks they’re the center of the universe and everyone else is an NPC, I’ll give you that musk is definitely mentally fucked by multiple metrics but it ain’t ableist to point out that his mental issues are contributing to his political spiral. Just like how my mother’s abuse was made worse by her bipolar swings Musks Nazi tendencies were caused by his maladaptions and accelerated by his addiction.
Analysis requires acknowledgement of all factors and guess what to analyze Musk you have to factor in his mental instability. Mental illness often times often times works as an acceleratent for negative tendencies I know this from personal experience, both with my mother and my own issues since PTSD and autism is a right volatile mix.
Regardless I don’t feel like there’s any point in being not ableist to Musk, it’d probably piss him off. Treat him like the depressed little shit stain he is, maybe we will get lucky and he’ll decide to air out his skull with a 12 gauge slug.
I’m ADHD and probably autistic. I wouldn’t consider any theoretical children I could have as property nor dismantle programs people rely on to survive.
Being autistic and a greedy asshole is not mutually exclusive. There’s a big difference in not understanding social queues or whatever and having a breeding fetish or whatever he has when it comes to kids.
On top of all the other horrible things. Like Trump he desperately wants praise and such. Its why he lashed out and called that one guy a “pedo” because he felt upstages when he couldn’t be the one to take credit for saving the kids, not that he cared about the kids.
But I’m not politicizing mental disorders. I’m calling an asshole an asshole.
Anyone who then comes out with the BS “but he’s autistic” is trying to politicize autism while also excusing his actions that are literally costing lives.
So spare me your moral outrage while my existance as both a neurodivergent person and a trans person is under attack by the peice of shit you are treating with kid gloves if not trying to defend
You politicised narcissism. Don’t do that. It’s offensive. And if you are going to be a bigot and attack him for having a mental disorder, I dare you to go all the way. Attack him for all his mental disorders, not just the ones society will let you get away with. Commit to your values properly. Go big or go home.
I feel like you are missing the forest for the trees here. You keep fixating on this like some kind of “gatcha” using the exact same phrasing as his defenders who claimed he did the Nazi salute because he’s autistic.
I personally do not give a flying fuck on what “mental disorders” he has. Also, autism is a developmental disability, not a mental disorder. There is a difference.
As far as “politicizing narcissism”, how is pointing out he has traits associated with politicizing it? Like, he’s a fucking fascist who is using the absurd level of wealth he’s accumulated to basically buy the government and get unelected power he is using to dismantle any agency that benefits the masses or has investigated him for business violations.
That’s on top of the social issues where he and Trump are trying to make it harder for minority groups to exist in the world.
It’s been well researched that conservatives tend to have many more narcissistic traits because the entire political ideology hinges on hierarchy and a “fuck you, I got mine” mentality. It’s also been well researched that CEOs are all more likely to have psychopathic traits.
It’s not “politicizing” pointing out traits someone has to explain what they are doing in politics or harm they are causing in general. If someone is a self-centered asshole who act like they are better than everyone else and uses that as the basis for denying other people rights then I don’t really care what the reason behind their self-centered nature is. An asshole is still an asshole. There is no justification or excuse for what they do.
You are basically saying “you’re the bigot” when I point out that a fascist is a fascist. You ignore the substance of what I and others are saying to just attack us and hand wave any issues we have with Musk.
Again, if you feel it’s more important to tone police us because we aren’t using language you like when we talk about a literal fascist that is causing uncountable harm and death, who is supporting and pushing for multiple genocides, who sees his children as property and is using a toddler as a human shield, then I don’t think we are going to find common ground here.
Musk’s actions are indefensible. The only people I’ve seen argue against criticism of him are his sycophants. You are doing “so much for the tolerant left” bullshit. My only question is if you are actually one of his cult members or just misguided.
But in the end it doesn’t matter. If you defend a fascist you are a fascist…
Yeah. Although it’s worth remembering it was an insult with a very different meaning in ancient Greece. Elon Musk is an attention seeker, but Narcissus wasn’t. Narcissus caused all that drama by not wanting to date anyone. Ameinias fell in love with Narcissus and asked for his hand in marriage. Narcissus said no, and told Ameinias to fuck off and die. So Ameinias prayed to the gods “let him love what he cannot have”, and that’s how the reflection thing happened. Narcissus was the opposite of an attention seeker, he just wanted to be left alone.
“You’re dead to me” is what a bad parent would say. To do it over political ideology is even worse.
I think this is innately a deeply personal issue to him - and he is now going to train the firepower of “the richest person on the planet” on everyone. thats where the politics and ideological alignment may come in.
one hell of a (sad?) real life “super-villain” origin story. the man needs mental help, and derision, but a lot of serious mental help.
The richest man in the world can buy anything except the love and admiration of his own child.
he WAS the richest, but last i saw, his personal net worth went down $200B! the largest loss of net worth ever. Keep it up guys and he’ll be in the gutter
He will never ever be in the gutter. I’m sure he has enough liquidity that he will be very wealthy no matter what his stock does, even if he couldn’t extract another penny out of his stocks somehow.
He’s a narsassistic asshole who apparently did IVF for all his kids because he wanted all boys.
That one of the kids ended up being a girl because she’s trans despite his effort at avoiding it seems to drive him crazy, especially as someone who thinks he owns his children.
he’s an asshole like all conservatives.
His kids are all IVF because his penis got broken during vanity enlargement surgery. Balding, chinless, dickless wonder who somehow thinks HIS genes need to be propagated with gold diggers. Respect to his daughter for being what she is, and not what he wants.
Who else is he going to propagate his genes with? At least they get paid for their service?
I was kinda implying there’s shitty genes from both sides, when both parents are shitty…
if anyone wants to check your post history, i’d bet they’d agree that your mother wouldn’t be very proud of you.
I loathe Trumpists, russian orcs and Musk cucks. Of course YOU don’t like it !
yeah, that all totally sounds like me.
where the fuck did you get the idea that i’m totally different from everything i say?
You’re in this thread actively discouraging setting Teslers (lol) on fire. “Oh, won’t someone think of the consequences, New Teslers come with shotguns…” Yes, consequences should be considered, but you’re sea-lioning. The fact is that Nazi’s and their nazi supporters need consequences too.
Yep and if he’s controlling he’ll HATE that she’s not doing as he wants and living as the gender she was assigned at birth
He’s not just narcissistic, he’s also autistic.
Autism has nothing to do with how he acts. Dont push that crap “he is autistic thats why he acts that way”
I agree. But Naia was politicising mental disorders and I thought I’d dare them to go all the way. I hate it when cowards only go after the mental disorders everyone already hates. It’s picking on the weak. Go big or go home!
What politicizing? That he is a narsassistic asshole? He’s also a psychopath, like all billionaires.
I don’t really know what you are even saying. Being autistic does not make you do nazi salutes then joke about it with puns when called out on it.
No mental disorder makes you do Nazi salutes
I’m autistic. What’s your point?
Politicising mental disorders is the same bullshit no matter which disorder. Musk is a person, his autism and narcissism have nothing to do with his political choices.
His narcissism most certainly has to do with his political choices, especially since it seems his narcissism is driving him to do stupider and more damaging actions. Also I doubt he is autistic dude was looking for an excuse for being unfunny and about as charismatic as a rotting opposum corpse cooking on the side of the road, also the afformentioned uncontrolled narcissism and long history of lying makes anything he claims suspect.
I doubt he has narcissism as much as you doubt he has autism. He doesn’t have a diagnosis. It’s just rumours. That’s not a good enough basis to be ableist. You’re forming stereotypes about narcissism based on a rumour based on stereotypes. It’s fucking xkcd citogenesis. You’re inventing your own truth whole cloth.
I’m addressing the trait of narcissism not the mental illness of narcissistic personality disorder. Two different things ones a mental illness and the other is being a maladaptive bitch who thinks they’re the center of the universe and everyone else is an NPC, I’ll give you that musk is definitely mentally fucked by multiple metrics but it ain’t ableist to point out that his mental issues are contributing to his political spiral. Just like how my mother’s abuse was made worse by her bipolar swings Musks Nazi tendencies were caused by his maladaptions and accelerated by his addiction.
Analysis requires acknowledgement of all factors and guess what to analyze Musk you have to factor in his mental instability. Mental illness often times often times works as an acceleratent for negative tendencies I know this from personal experience, both with my mother and my own issues since PTSD and autism is a right volatile mix.
Regardless I don’t feel like there’s any point in being not ableist to Musk, it’d probably piss him off. Treat him like the depressed little shit stain he is, maybe we will get lucky and he’ll decide to air out his skull with a 12 gauge slug.
You’re encouraging other people to hate people with NPD.
I’m ADHD and probably autistic. I wouldn’t consider any theoretical children I could have as property nor dismantle programs people rely on to survive.
Being autistic and a greedy asshole is not mutually exclusive. There’s a big difference in not understanding social queues or whatever and having a breeding fetish or whatever he has when it comes to kids.
On top of all the other horrible things. Like Trump he desperately wants praise and such. Its why he lashed out and called that one guy a “pedo” because he felt upstages when he couldn’t be the one to take credit for saving the kids, not that he cared about the kids.
You should feel equally angry when people politicise any mental disorder.
But I’m not politicizing mental disorders. I’m calling an asshole an asshole.
Anyone who then comes out with the BS “but he’s autistic” is trying to politicize autism while also excusing his actions that are literally costing lives.
So spare me your moral outrage while my existance as both a neurodivergent person and a trans person is under attack by the peice of shit you are treating with kid gloves if not trying to defend
You politicised narcissism. Don’t do that. It’s offensive. And if you are going to be a bigot and attack him for having a mental disorder, I dare you to go all the way. Attack him for all his mental disorders, not just the ones society will let you get away with. Commit to your values properly. Go big or go home.
I feel like you are missing the forest for the trees here. You keep fixating on this like some kind of “gatcha” using the exact same phrasing as his defenders who claimed he did the Nazi salute because he’s autistic.
I personally do not give a flying fuck on what “mental disorders” he has. Also, autism is a developmental disability, not a mental disorder. There is a difference.
As far as “politicizing narcissism”, how is pointing out he has traits associated with politicizing it? Like, he’s a fucking fascist who is using the absurd level of wealth he’s accumulated to basically buy the government and get unelected power he is using to dismantle any agency that benefits the masses or has investigated him for business violations.
That’s on top of the social issues where he and Trump are trying to make it harder for minority groups to exist in the world.
It’s been well researched that conservatives tend to have many more narcissistic traits because the entire political ideology hinges on hierarchy and a “fuck you, I got mine” mentality. It’s also been well researched that CEOs are all more likely to have psychopathic traits.
It’s not “politicizing” pointing out traits someone has to explain what they are doing in politics or harm they are causing in general. If someone is a self-centered asshole who act like they are better than everyone else and uses that as the basis for denying other people rights then I don’t really care what the reason behind their self-centered nature is. An asshole is still an asshole. There is no justification or excuse for what they do.
You are basically saying “you’re the bigot” when I point out that a fascist is a fascist. You ignore the substance of what I and others are saying to just attack us and hand wave any issues we have with Musk.
Again, if you feel it’s more important to tone police us because we aren’t using language you like when we talk about a literal fascist that is causing uncountable harm and death, who is supporting and pushing for multiple genocides, who sees his children as property and is using a toddler as a human shield, then I don’t think we are going to find common ground here.
Musk’s actions are indefensible. The only people I’ve seen argue against criticism of him are his sycophants. You are doing “so much for the tolerant left” bullshit. My only question is if you are actually one of his cult members or just misguided.
But in the end it doesn’t matter. If you defend a fascist you are a fascist…
That’s politicising narcissism.
We should probably be more invested in renaming the disorder from a term that’s been an insult for millenia and as such would always be stigmatized
In common use as an insult since 1979. Prior to that it was used in the psychological field for about a century
Yeah. Although it’s worth remembering it was an insult with a very different meaning in ancient Greece. Elon Musk is an attention seeker, but Narcissus wasn’t. Narcissus caused all that drama by not wanting to date anyone. Ameinias fell in love with Narcissus and asked for his hand in marriage. Narcissus said no, and told Ameinias to fuck off and die. So Ameinias prayed to the gods “let him love what he cannot have”, and that’s how the reflection thing happened. Narcissus was the opposite of an attention seeker, he just wanted to be left alone.
Not even political ideology, she’s just trans.
Twitter likes are more important to him than the wellbeing of his daughter
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