(1) when you lose there are no consequences, in fact sometimes you get even more money
(2) get more racist
(3) say swears
(4) lose
Don’t forget to stand on tables
When your opponent is Ted Cruz, you get a boost
The polling averages of the race show Allred, if anything, performing a hair better against Cruz than O’Rourke was at this time in 2018, trailing Cruz by about 4 points.
Yeah okay let’s focus on some centrist freak who’s going to lose.
Millions of non-voters that no one’s talked to in years:
Five Karens in the Austin suburbs that voted Trump and somehow not Cruz?
Another couple of million to the cause!
He’s only losing by 717,000 votes! EZ
This is the piece of shit who responded to transphobic attack ads by being transphobic
holy shit lol I straight up forgot that man (Beto) exists or ever existed