Liberals: Kamalah doesn’t owe you anything!
“Key votes”
Fuck do you mean failed to get word to her she’s a senator during a senatorial vote and she’s still sitting Vice President
Where the fuck else would she be if not vooting?
Procedural blunders, anyone who fuckin believes this wasn’t intentional is a fool
One party state ass fake ass hell country
Oh shit, you see I was reading the instructions upside down, and the “6” was actually a “9”, so you see all our calculations were off by three or a factor of three, then I dropped my pen in the kitchenaid mixer that was making dough so the pizza crusts are dark blue and taste like a whiff of ozone, not to mention I left my cardkey that I need to get into the government building where I work at my friend Liza’s house when she had an Amway party, and Liza has these little yippy dogs, and they’re so cute but they’re always chewing stuff, and wouldn’t you know it they got ahold of my cardkey and chewed it all up, so now I have to wait a week until security clears me for a new card and until then I have to sign in at the front gate which adds like 6 minutes to my morning every day, and anyway it was such a mess in the kitchen, let me tell you! Anyway that’s why you don’t have healthcare and its now legal to pay you in dogfood, god Trump is such a tyrant I swear
The explanation is simple: The Democrats are a party of do nothing capitalists who only want power so that they can line their own pockets while pretending like they care about anyone but themselves. Any other explanation is wrong
They think that politics are just an excuse to feel important at a cocktail party
The explanation is simple: The Democrats are a party of do nothing capitalists who
onlydon’t want powerThat’s my explanation. The only reason the make the bare minimum attempt at winning elections is so that a bunch of them can get positions that give them titles, e.g. secretary, speaker.
Kamala was day drinking in Brentwood, CA when this was occurring
Do they still want to be taken seriously though???
You better if you don’t want !
Whiplash everytime I rewatch the wire and Ben Carson the surgeon comes up 😂
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to give a shit about things like this when you’re whacked out on enough Xanax to make Biden look cogent in comparison?”
Same face
Why would anyone want too leave sunny Hawaii to head to freezing DC?
New senate parliamentarian excuse and it’s “Kamala didn’t check her texts :(“
Sorry, I’m short on rent this month, but here’s an explanation. Yeah, my deductable doesn’t cover it, but maybe you’d take an explanation. My entire community got decimated by closures and outsourcing, but what we need is an explanation.
Somehow I am always surprised by Dem incompetence. Giving up the game this obviously is deeply silly.
Its not incompetence lol. Its just them being a really effective controlled opposition and doing what the rich want. This wasnt an “error” it was the plan.
Exactly, paraphrasing from another tweet I saw: “Weird how these errors never happen when it’s a weapons shipment for Israel”
I legitimately believe it’s a mix of both. Harder to feign resistance when you give up any appearance of it, this is both planned and entirely obvious.
The purpose of a system is what it does
Yep, not trying to say this wasn’t planned, but that if this is their excuse they are terrible at hiding it.
At this point I’m indifferent about which it is because it doesn’t matter, I’ll hate them for being incompetent just as much as I’ll hate them for being complicit
Absolutely, they are complicit dogs of empire and terrible at pretending otherwise.
I think there’s an element of spite to it. They want to punish voters for failing them and they want voters to know it.
Never attribute malice to what can be explained by serving the interests of Capital. The Dems make good money by feigning resistance, I think they showed their hand a bit obviously this time.
They showed their hand so obviously on purpose. It’s too obvious to be anything other than intentional.
And that serves the interests of Capital too. It’s prole control, put them in their place and remind them that Capital is in charge.
“this is what you wanted, tankies!” dude, you all are still in power
whomst among us hasn’t left the phone on ‘do not disturb’ while on the clock
These are the people we were supposed to place all our trust in.