PFT <3
The king of podcasters.
Is this the same Pink News that I remember reading had a policy straight from the CEO to favor money over supporting trans rights and other gender identity issues? I found the link but I’m not very familiar with the news source to be able to say for sure if this is something to advise a boycott over, I kind of avoid them since reading this when it happened but not sure what their track record is like otherwise.
Anyways, here’s the link
Friendly reminder that Dianne Feinstein raised the Confederate Flag over the San Fransisco court house as mayor and still got elected statewide. Also might be good to remember that California’s Prop 8 stripped the LGBTQ population of marriage rights the same year Obama won the Presidency. And that was in the Woke Era. Now you’ve got Illinios and New York liberals going full Cop Mode while Florida and Texas straight up want to start a shooting war with their southern neighbors.
Newsom is an absolute reptile, but he’s got his tongue in the wind and knows what liberals are going to be looking for in four years. He’s positioning himself as Fash-Lite, because that’s the kind of candidate the Democratic Party is interested in running.
We need a new party that actually represents the left. And ranked choice voting or similar so people don’t feel they are ‘throwing their vote away’.
California absolutely desperately needs a party of the proletariat worthy of the name. But I’m afraid what they’re going to get will be far closer to the Nationalist’s brand of Socialism.
He’s positioning himself as Fash-Lite, because that’s the kind of candidate the Democratic Party is interested in running.
Nailed it.
The Dems have clearly signaled that, in the face of a right-wing kleptocratic coup d’etat, they intend to keep doing exactly what they’ve been doing for decades - situationally register mild opposition but carefully manage to consistently fail to successfully oppose much of anything, then fundraise on “the Republicans have destroyed everything and we’re not the Republicans” and astroturf opposition to the inevitable observations that they’re only technically not the Republicans, and have just spent the last two/four years proving that they’re not really any sort of opposition either.
Oh yeah - and they’ll run some candidates too, but that’s really a secondary consideration. Fundraising is the important part. And to that end, the candidates they run will necessarily be corporate-friendly neoliberals with sufficient lack of integrity to be willing to position themselves just enough to the left of the current Republicans to barely manage to carry off the illusion of opposition.
And that last is the role Newsom is auditioning for.
Cool that California is doing so fucking well and all of their problems are so in hand that Gavin Newsom has time to interview fascists on a podcast he apparently hosts?
Lemme tell ya, we’re doing great. I only see tons of unhoused people everywhere and people with mental disorders talking to themselves and we’ve got crime and my city’s mayor is charged for corruption and oh wow we’re in great shape. /s
Would it help if I told you that your governor’s podcast is one of the Top Trending Shows on Apple Podcasts
On a very special episode of SpongeBob: a new mayor comes to town and insists that sponges can’t be squares. Bikini Bottom rallies around SpongeBob and throws the mayor into Goo Lagoon
I’ll be glad when he’s gone.
That isn’t the only thing he should run, he can also run a train on me 🥵
The only train Newsome would run is one filled with homeless and bound for a concentration camp.