Purple but myself. Please myself. Dear gods myself.
Only if you’re a people.
blue, so I would finally have a friend
If take the purple pill, can I do that to anyone anywhere on Earth? Or just people nearby? Anywhere on earth, the purple. Just nearby, toss up between purple and a weed gummy. Do I know the strength of the weed gummy?
Even if its nearby… I’d visit every trump rally out there.
This is among the shittiest color combinations for colorblind. I only see two colors of pills: something magenta-ish and something yellow-ish
I think that’s why they have words along with them? 🤪 (sorry)
The pink pill is so silly yet can be so useful.
Is the poop something that has to be done in-person?
Does it have to be assigned to an individual, or can you decide that everybody who uses the word ‘rizz’ regularly will now poop?
Or is it like Death Note where you have to have a specific person in mind? I would totally be down to be the Kira of pants-shitting. I’d be the God of a stinky new world.
Problem is that in the US I’m fairly certain our leaders are already forced to wear diapers. The President who was elected 32 years ago is younger than the President who was elected 2 months ago.
To be fair, the president elected two months ago is the oldest asshole to have ever won the office.
The last 3 elections were the oldest ever
I love that ability. I always want greedy billionaires and hateful politicians to be made a fool of. Now I can do it with comedy.
No violence and death, just lots of dookies. Oh this is so fun.
I like that it’s “Forced”. If it was just “make people shit themselves”, it would just happen and then they’d wonder what’s going on But Forced implies they’re fighting it, it implies resistance. That’s kinda messed up.
Well, I just made up my mind.
I hope you have to point at the person for it to work, so they know it’s you.
I was just assuming it was just Power Word: Shit and would effect anyone up to however many hit dice.
Maybe it’s both!
Pink all the way. Rude to some service worker? Poopy pants. Didn’t return the cart? Poop. Drive like an asshole? Poop. Politician spewing hateful garbage on national television? Oh you bet you’re getting the poopy pants.
I would be The Punisher, only with poop instead of guns.
Poop Note
The Poo-nisher. 💀💩
I’ve got a shy bladder, a wife, and plenty of weed gummys.
I’ll take the purple pill. Took forever to potty train my youngest and that seems like a useful skill.
I’d probably use it whenever I get road rage. Oh, you wanna cut me off? Fuck you. Shit your pants.
Why is this so funny? It’s fucking stupid 😂
Pink would be politically beneficial. You could legitimately make major progress in the world with that power. Someone who disagrees with you tries to speak publicly? Time to poop. Hell. Just harass them with explosive diarrhea until they notice the trend that whenever they do something political, the diarrhea returns.
They’ll just take a page from the Trump playbook and start wearing diapers.
All diapers have their limit
The older you get the more your going to want that poop command to use on yourself.
Sorry, it’s kinda like a presidential pardon.
Make me!
Pink and I would dedicate the rest of my life to making Elon Musk shit himself literally every time a camera is pointed at him.
Yeah. I got the magenta one years ago. I’ve been making Trump drop a fucking load on camera for awhile now.
Can you make people poop so much they die? Asking for a friend
As a student of history, it’s definitely possible and indeed a not insignificant number of people did just that.
just Elon? What about Nigel Farage? pls?
Doing god’s work.
No gods or kings. Only poop.
You’re nicer than I am. 24/7 if it were up to me.