“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”
― George Carlin
Most of the people think their above average.
I see what you did their.
The air’d dared upthere’d
Most people are way above (possibly in the top 1%) the average in a bunch of things.
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And sadly most are wrong.
You not replying makes me think you didn’t do that misspelling on purpose, which is way more funny.
People not being able to grasp basic shit like how to use there, their and they’re correctly shows how dumb most people are.
You’re probably sure you’re above average, right?
I’m good at a few things and average or worse at everything else. It’s a wash
Everyone dumber than me is a moron.
Everyone smarter than me is an asshole.
With all these morons and assholes everywhere, it’s amazing society even functions.
^(FYI: this is a parody of a George Carlin joke about driving)^
This is allegedly also why true geniuses suffer. Imagine being smarter than 95% of people and being keenly aware of it.
I met this Dunning guy who told me about Keurig but Nespresso is better.
Eh, keurig doesn’t seem like a great company, but they’re nowhere near as bad as nestle.
I’m in my schools gifted program. That means you need an IQ in the top 10% (iirc) and tbh nobody there thinks that they’re smart. Literally everyone there is a dumbass who thinks in numbers slightly more often than non gifted kids.
Also add on top the statistical likelihood to be autistic/ADHD (twice exceptional is very common btw), myself being both! It’s just a normal class where those 2 or 3 kids who constantly yell/act up aren’t there and on Fridays the teacher lets you make a windmill out of a paper plate, old paint brushes, and air dry clay. Last year the teacher accidentally made the finals answers all A. Tbh I’m just in it for my resume.On Halloween she let us draw on the board
Then played toddler sensory videos
Ah, the good ol days.
95% is a little low for a genius.
At 95%, you are the smartest in a room of 20.
Depending on if you are talking about ordinary or extraordinary genius, depending on which measure you choose ordinary genius is in the 1 in 10k range; and extraordinary genius is 100 to 1000 times rarer 1 in a million to 1 in 10 million range.
If you are sitting in a stadium of 50k, and you are the smartest person. You are still likely not and extraordinary genius.
The people who are “keenly aware of it” always smell like they pissed on their pants zipper.
Did I ever tell you the story about [Cowboys], and [m-midgets], and the Indians and fron-frontier psychiatrist? [I-I-I felt strangely hypnotised I was in another world], a world of twenty-[twenty thousand girls]
If you think genius implies good personal hygiene, I think I know which side of the graph you fall on.
Sounds like you fancy yourself a scumbag philosopher.
Definitely know where your emotional intellegence falls on the graph.
Unfortunately, stupid people also think themselves geniuses forced to suffer fools.
Many dumb people are too dumb to even realize that they’re dumb.
That’s my secret cap, I’m always dumb.
Unfriendly reminder that one half of US adults read at a 6th grade level. When you think the average person is stupid, be aware of how incredibly stupid that is
Edit: don’t use this as an excuse to feel high and mighty, though. On average, you’re average, and you can’t know what level you read at without getting tested.
This is just Socrates.
I’ve long said (and this is a hill that I’m willing to die on) that everyone is smart in some way. We’re all just smart about different things and in different ways.
Just think about all the amazing ways we can all be dumbfucks. Isn’t it neat
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Just saying this proactively: Half the people are dumber than the Median, not the Average.
A median is an average. So are the mean and mode.
Oh you’re right, I should have said “mean” instead of “average”. Average and mean used to be the same but the definition of “average” has changed through misuse.
This statement is not true for cases where one or more person has average intelligence.
Nah, educating people is a lost cause. Who are we to educate anyone, anyway? Educate yourself, then whoever wants can rub off your education
The pitch meeting for Trump University